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Fabrizio Tesi :: Comistra s.r.l.

Fabrizio Tesi President, Comistra s.r.l. For more Ha partecipato alla 18esima edizione di Creactivity per il tema Smart Future 2023 come speaker nell’ambito Smart Materials, Smart Design  

Marco Scisco :: Piaggio Group

Marco Scisco Head of Piaggio Studios and Content, Piaggio Group Senior media executive with over 20 years international experience in multi-platform content creation, VOD and broadcast strategy. Specialized in commissioning, production, acquisitions, programming and communication. For more Ha partecipato alla 18esima edizione di Creactivity perRead More »Marco Scisco :: Piaggio Group

Gisle Dueland :: Gayo Aviation

Gisle Dueland Aviation innovator and broker Con un solido background nell’innovazione dell’aviazione, il mio percorso mi ha portato a ricoprire diversi ruoli di leadership, attualmente come co-fondatore e responsabile delle vendite di OceanSky Cruises e CEO di Gayo Aviation. Il nostro team è all’avanguardia nellaRead More »Gisle Dueland :: Gayo Aviation

Roberto Guiggiani :: Fondazione Campus

Roberto Guiggiani Docente di evoluzione dei mercati turistici presso la Fondazione Campus di Lucca sui Prodotti AMBASCIATORI del Territorio For more Ha partecipato alla 18esima edizione di Creactivity per il tema Smart Future 2023 come speaker nell’ambito Smart Living, Smart City  

Antti Iire :: Savonia UAS

Antti Iire Manager of International RDI at Savonia University of Applied Sciences   Antti Iire is Manager of Research and Development at Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio, Finland and has a master’s degree in economics. His expert duties started when working as a corporateRead More »Antti Iire :: Savonia UAS

Antti Kares :: Savonia UAS

Antti Kares Design teacher, Savonia UAS For more Ha partecipato alla 18esima edizione di Creactivity per il tema Smart Future 2023 come speaker nell’ambito Smart Living, Smart City  



Partner Accademici 2023

⦁  LABA, Libera Accademia di Belle Arti (Firenze, Italia)

⦁  Italia 3D Academy (Pisa) 3D/ VR/ AR

⦁  Fondazione Campus (Lucca, Italia)

⦁  Savonia University of Applied Science (Kuopio, Finland)

Special Partner 2023

⦁  Piaggio & C.

⦁  Gayo Aviation

⦁  Flying Whales

⦁  Centro di Competenza ARTES 4.0

⦁  ETT Solution

⦁  Comistra s.r.l.

⦁  IPSAR Giacomo Matteotti

Media partner


In collaborazione con

⦁  LaCittadella Caffè

Creactivity Night partner

⦁  Contemporary Wine

⦁  Terre di Sovernaja

⦁  Antica Castello di Poppiano

⦁  Torraccia di Chiusi


2023 Speaker

Open Conference


The Open Conference began with a keynote delivered by Jonas Öste Klevhag, continuing with a pool of experts who will present project cases and design issues in the three discussion areas.

Smart Living
Smart City

Intelligent and sustainable solutions to improve the quality of life in the city through the integration of technologies. The aim is to adapt shared spaces to social and environmental needs, promoting conscious experiences and avoiding conflicts between residents and visitors.

Smart Mobility

Smart mobility uses advanced technologies to improve the movement of people, integrating intelligent transport and mobility services to reduce congestion and promote sustainability. Digital platforms optimise traffic, improving accessibility and travel experiences, while innovation in smart mobility and e-mobility, using artificial intelligence, leads to traffic management solutions.

Smart Materials
Smart Design

A broad and evolving field, it focuses on the design, development and use of innovative materials. It extends from nanotechnology to fashion, medicine, electronics, upcycling and circular design. It generates innovative opportunities and solutions in industrial, technological and sustainable sectors, following the philosophies of the sustainable economy.

Questa edizione è stata articolata su 3 subtematiche: Smart Living, Smart Mobility e Smart City. Il workshop è rivolto sia agli studenti delle Scuole superiori che a quelli delle Università e delle Accademie.


High schools Award

Universities Award

2023 Exhibition

The performances were held in the specially equipped contemporary exhibition hall of the Piaggio Museum.

Exhibitions by 

⦁  Andrea Pizzolato (Catarsi)

⦁  Fabio Salvadori (SUPEREVO)

⦁  Cockpit virtuale (ISIA, Italia 3D Academy)

⦁  Smart Material (ISIA)

⦁  Smart Material (Modartech)


⦁  Italia 3D Academy

⦁  Generative Music (Purilian)


18th edition of the annual magazine of the Creactivity programme
