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18/20 november '09 - Museo Piaggio Pontedera
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Swiss-born and Italian by adoption, she has two passions: fashion and traditional cultures. A Fashion Designer and Art director, she has worked with major fashion houses such as Antonio Marras, Etienne Aigner, Max & Co and Roberto Cavalli, following the philosophy that solidarity becomes a trend. This is what makes up Cornelia Bamert, a designer-creator of a new way of approaching women's fashion. The idea of blending fashion and ethics together in a socially conscious brand was conceived in 2008 with the walkway to Carroussel du Louvre and the birth of the "“Redesign the world by Cornelia Bamert” brand, which merges traditions and brings places to life, while savouring and settling art and culture from the world in a project that integrates and reinterprets reality in respect of each identity.

After carrying out scientific and medical studies, she took a professional training course that qualified her to work in the business communications sector in the sphere of the web. She has worked as a consultant for institutions and businesses specialised in the
realisation of web sites and communications projects and services for the telecommunications network. She held three seminars at the PIN of Prato on web
communications while she was working as a consultant. She coordinates and teaches on several training courses focussed on the acquisition of skills in new media related professions. She has been working as project manager for the Tuscan System Foundation since 2005.

He began to move icons from one disk to another as long ago as 1982. He teaches at the Florence ISIA and at the Academy of Fine Arts (again in Florence) on subjects related to computer sciences, the network, digital communications and the new media, paying special attention (as a digital nomad) to everything linked to mobile connectivity.
He works as a consultant for a company that works as a Provider and Web Agency and is on the Company Council of an Internet Provider that works on a national level. 

Croatian and Designer, he studied Architecture and Industrial Design at the University of Zagreb, the Florence ISIA Firenze and at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar of Saarbrücken.
His continual research and experimentation in new materials and exchanges of opinions with his teachers, like Ettore Sottsass, Paolo Deganello, Denis Santachiara and Isao Hosoe, strengthened his innovative and critical approach towards design. He worked as an assistant to Hiroshi Morishima at the ISIA and in 1999 was involved in the “Sub-Art” project, an experimental underwater museum in Croatia; he later worked with Arch. Paolo Deganello and was part of the Ettore Sottsass Studio, carrying out industrial design projects. In his Studio in Milan he enjoys designing different projects and environments for several international companies.

He graduated in architecture at the Florence University and carried out further analysis on computer systems and the graphic reconstruction of the project with electronic instruments during his university years.
He is one of the few Italian graduates in architecture to have frequented the ARCAID (IBM) and the "Apollo" specialisation courses on graphic stations in Milan and is a well-informed expert and professional user of the software available today for micro computers, come AutoCad (one of the most common) and ComputerVision (the most complete solid modelling package for design on the market today).
He has held a Computer Aider Design course at the Florence ISIA from the 1986/87 Academic Year.

Consultant and teacher, she is an expert in service management and the management of company organisation.
After teaching and research in university spheres and working in a services company, she specialised in quality management. She has managed a great many consultant and teaching projects for private organisations and public boards. She moreover designed and coordinated a Master course dedicated to the figure of Quality Manager.
Lecturer at national and international conventions, she also carries out didactic activities on the ISO 9000 rules and on service quality management, both at university and post-graduate levels.
She has written several articles in Italian and international magazines, as well as several books, which include:
Padroni del proprio tempo (2009), Capire la qualità – 2nd edition (2008), Azienda in jazz - 2nd edition (2008), Servire Successo (2003), ISO 9000 Sistema Qualità e Certificazione (1998), Servizi di Qualità (1997), Un Mondo di Qualità (1995), published by Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. and Ricostruire e vivere il processo per la qualità in azienda published by Sperling & Kupfer, 2006)

He is partner and founder of the Studio Bl@m Design & Comunicazione and the head of the design section; he teaches subjects related to the project and innovation in various schools and is an international a consultant for specialist projects related to the glass industry in Italy and abroad. He has designed several products for Italian companies and carried out research and projects for societies that work on the development of cottage industries. He also follows several National Fairs and is structural head of the technical office of the “Tutto Fiere” Italia.
He collaborates with design, art and crafts magazines and many of his written texts have been published and his projects presented in various cultural initiatives and exhibitions in Italy and abroad. He continues in his untiring research in the field of design and art for new project ideas and subjects.

Her professional training started out with studies in the spheres of art and goldsmithery, followed by several specialisation courses and teacher training refresher courses.
At present she teaches the “Art of fired metal enamelling” at the “Piero della Francesca” Institute of Higher Education in Arezzo, and shows her students how to transform the properties of precious metals to suit their creative skills.
She also works in the organisation, coordination and tutoring for projects focussed on the affirmation of a design approach in the teaching of the arts and in the spread of the art of the goldsmith as a subject in Italy.
She also promotes initiatives for finding jobs for young people n the working world, while also working as an artist and creator of many art works, from paintings and sculpture to quality jewellery. She has taken part in many exhibitions in Tuscany and Umbria.

Her stylistic path has covered various sectors of fashion and has allowed her to act as a consultant for the creation of articles of clothing in companies dealing with the total look. She has worked as head and coordinator for various collections and subsequently collaborated as a freelancer for the Miss Deanna firm of Reggio Emilia, very efficiently organizing the firm’s product research as a preliminary process to creation. After first learning the techniques for processing raw materials, her creativity, a particular sensitivity towards style and her curiosity about anything connected with art now allows her supply companies with a complete image of the product: from presentation of fashion themes to colour and completing this with guidelines for carrying out the clothes themselves. She also teaches and this allows her to transmit and communicate, thus keeping a balance between her creative talents and simplicity, clean lines and curiosity.

Dr. Roberto Morese is Secretary of the National Council for Artistic and Musical Education (C.N.A.M.) at the Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research. He is a member of numerous research committees, and study/expert artistic and musical training groups. Dr. Morese is involved in the development of a "Center of Excellence on Cultural Heritage" for the 2015 Expo in Milan. He is the editorial director of "HiArt," an international magazine on musical and artistic education, edited by Gangemi Publishing House.

Mario Donato Santucci was born on 25/2/'60 in the Sienese countryside. A mechanical engineer, he has worked at the Piaggio since 1992, holding various posts, among them that of head of the Styling Centre. A present he is in charge of the Vehicle Innovation sector at Pontedera. He has taken an active part in the conception and definition of several products of great success. He teaches Industrial Product Development at the University of Pisa. He cultivates many interests, the most important of which are music, digital photography and writing. He is married with two children.

Enthusiastic about branding, interaction and digital marketing, he has been the Internet Marketing Manager of Fiat Automobiles SpA for the last two years. He developed and coordinated the launch of the “500 wants you” interactive marketing platform, the first
example of a participatory approach applied by a car manufacturer in the development process and positioning of a product. He later devoted himself to the "Those that are Bravo" project, the first blog that tells the story of the birth of a car through the voice
of those directly responsible and which explains how the philosophy and experience of the new Fiat are translated into the product choices. He has been in Turin since 2004: first with the Fiat, as assistant to the Internet Manager and subsequently at the Leo Burnett, where he worked as an account executive on the ATL campaigns of the Turin Motor Car
Company. He has been back at the Fiat as the Internet Marketing Manager since 2006.

